Beta Testers Wanted For
New Social Proof Videos

So I'm putting something together called Social Proof Sales Videos.

And I'm looking for beta testers to help me shape things with these videos before I launch this officially.

These videos are semi-custom sales videos based on social proof.

I've found that these types of videos have increased the number of leads and sales for some private clients way better than their plain ole' written testimonials, and before and after pics.

The reason they work, is because they take case studies, before and after pics, and actually create a story and emotion around that client.

Regular before and after pics, and testimonials have no emotion connected to them. But it's emotion that gets people to buy way more than anything else.

So I created these to pull the emotion out of the social proof you already have and help you get more leads and clients.

Oh, and a quick heads up, the 4th video below (kinetic) is more of a promo style. This one was not based on social proof. It's just there to give you the feel of what it would look and sound like.

So right now I'm looking for a handful of beta testers to help me smooth out this process.

If you are interested in this, just follow the steps below...

Step 1 - Check Out The Video Templates Below

Template 1 - Basic

Template 3 - Motivational

Template 2 - Fun

Template 4 - Kinetic

Step 2 - Listen To The Music Samples Below

Audio Sample 1

Audio Sample 6

Audio Sample 2

Audio Sample 7

Audio Sample 3

Audio Sample 8

Audio Sample 4

Audio Sample 9

Audio Sample 5

Audio Sample 10

Step 3 - Read These Simple Instructions

For this to work, you have to submit your clients story in step 4 below. I'll just need a few sentences that explain…

  • Where your client was before they started working with you.
  • What issues they were having.
  • What results they received while working with you.
  • How quickly they saw these results.

Other Important Stuff...

  • The video templates you see are just to give you an idea of the style of video you can choose. Your videos will follow this style, but be tailored to your business.
  • I will only do 1 minor edit. NO MAJOR edits.
  • If you want the video completely re-done, you will have to purchase another video at full price.


  • These videos take a lot of time to create, so there will be a small fee of $97.
  • As a beta tester I will rely on you for feedback to smooth things out.
  • The only other thing I ask of the beta testers is a testimonial once the video is done.

    So if you want to get in as a beta tester for only $97 just fill out the form below and hit submit.

    Once you do that you will be taken to a payment page. Just pay the beta tester fee and then I will receive all your information.

    You will receive an email with the headline "Confirm Your Subscription."

    I need you to confirm that ASAP. That will give you the rest of the details you need."

Step 4 - Fill Out The Form & Enter The Options You Want