To Schedule Your Video Testimonial Interview Please Follow The Instructions Below
Please schedule within the next 7 days by using the calendar below.
This video interview will be done virtually on either Facetime or Skype.
-If you prefer Facetime (Apple products) enter your phone number or email linked to the account.
-If you prefer Skype (Anything other than Apple) enter the email linked to that account. -
Don't Have Skype Or Facetime?
***If you have Apple products Facetime will already be installed on your device.
You just have to link it to your Apple account then send us your contact info.
***For all other products other than Apple you will need Skype.
Simply go to your app store and install Skype. Just make sure it's NOT Skype for business. Once it's setup send us the email linked to your Skype account.
General Questions/Topics
General Questions/Topics For The Testimonial
***Please know/have your numbers (leads, revenue, etc,) ready for the testimonial. We will cover what those were prior to working with them and what those numbers are now.***
1) What was your life like before?
2) What is your life like now?
3) What type of positive results have you seen in your business and life because of this?
4) How has this helped to change your life?
5) If someone wanted to sign up/purchase but was on the fence what would you say to them?