The Testimonial Video Blueprint
Master The Art Of Capturing Testimonial Videos That Will BOOST The Quality Of Your Leads, And Supercharge Your Conversions
This System Is Responsible For Thousands Of High-Quality Leads And Millions Of Dollars For Business Owners

Hi, Erik here.
Have your clients ever told you their story about their results and experience off camera, but when you try to get their testimonial video, it's not even close to what they originally told you?
Ever think about getting a testimonial video, but not sure how to get your clients to do it without it being awkward?
How about not knowing what questions to ask them?
Or what to do if you asked them questions but knew you needed to get more information from them?
What if there was a way that would almost guarantee you could get the perfect client testimonial video(s) that get higher-quality leads, increase conversions, and...
Have you knowing exactly what to ask so that you end up with the PERFECT testimonial video every single time?
What if you could get your clients to open up and share their deepest feelings and emotions on camera?
And what if you could repeat this so that every testimonial video ends up like this?
That would be pretty sweet, right?
Well, The Truth Is...
You can get testimonial videos like that.
But if you're asking your clients or customers to send you testimonial videos or using software to collect them, you'll rarely ever get testimonial videos that work.
Even if you, an employee or contractor, are interviewing them, there's a good chance your testimonial videos are still missing a HUGE part of what it takes to make them work.
In fact, if you've ever tried to collect testimonial videos before where you interview customers and clients, then you know how time-consuming a process it can be.
You've got to...
- Find the right client(s).
- Ask them to do the video and hope they don't say no.
- Figure out where to do it.
- Coordinate schedules so that they show up on time.
- Figure out all the tech stuff, equipment set up.
- Get them to relax so they're not nervous about being on camera.
- Come up with questions to ask them.
- Know what to do if they're not giving you the answers you want.
- And on, and on, and on.
Because This Is Such A Hassle...
Most testimonial videos never have the impact that they could.
All of this is the reason why the majority of my time is spent doing all of this for businesses.
But after MANY years of doing this, I've figured out the best, easiest, and most streamlined way to capture amazing video testimonials.
In fact, I've been able to dial it all down into TEN easy steps so that any business owner, employee, or team member can do this in a tiny fraction of the time they normally would.
And this system has now become the Testimonial Video Blueprint.
This blueprint will show you EXACTLY how to capture testimonial videos that boost conversions, filter out leads you don't want, and connect with your audience on a deeper emotional level. All while saving you a TON of time.
Can You Answer Yes To Any Of The Questions Below?
- Have you ever wanted to collect testimonial videos but not sure of the best way to do it?
- Have you collected testimonial videos but don't know why they're not as good as you thought they'd be?
- Do you want to know the best questions to ask?
- Do you want to know how to get clients to feel comfortable being on camera?
- Curious to know the keys to get clients to REALLY open up and share their true feelings?
- Have you ever asked you clients/customers to send you testimonial videos?
- Have you ever used software to collect testimonial videos in the past?
- Have you tried interviewing your clients/customers and the videos not turn out how you hoped they would?
- Ever wonder why your testimonial videos don't get better leads or conversions?
If You Answered Yes To Any Of Those Questions Then This Is For You
Watch A Clip From The Training...
Within 4 1/2 hours we had sold 39 spots with the testimonial videos. And I had to close it down because I only wanted 20 people.
Alicia Streger Fit Pro Essentials
We generated $38,600 in new coaching membership. Each one of them connected with one of those videos.
Pat Rigsby
My Name Is Erik And Over The Past 10+ Years I've Specialized In Helping Businesses Get Testimonial Videos That Generate Higher Quality Leads, And Boost Conversions
These Are The Type Of Testimonial Videos That Get Client's To Cry On Camera, And Get The Viewers To Take Action
As someone who is a business owner and also a professional video creator for some of the biggest names in the industry, I've spent thousands of hours studying and creating testimonial videos.
Over this time, I've figured out how to make them work.

I also figured out what the biggest stumbling blocks are and what holds business owners back from getting GREAT testimonial videos.
What's interesting is that the biggest stumbling block is not knowing EXACTLY what to do to get testimonial videos that work.
That's because no one has really taught the right way to do it.
Most of what you'll find out there is the same type of generic information that leads to weak testimonial videos.
There is very little, if any information that shows you how to get videos that...
- Connect on an emotional level.
- Filter out the people you don't want.
- And make it easy.
But once you apply what you'll learn in this blueprint you'll get...
- More people watching your testimonial videos.
- More people engaging with your videos.
- People connecting with your business at a deeper level and trusting you as the go to authority.
- Higher quality leads.
- Better conversions.
- And BETTER clients and customers
Plus, You'll Learn About The Levers That No One Else Is Teaching And You Won't Need 10+ Years To Figure It Out Like I Did!!!
Here's Everything You're Getting With The Testimonial Video Blueprint

How To Pick The Perfect Client/Customer
One of the biggest keys to a successful testimonial video is the client or customer you choose. This is where most business owners make the biggest mistake. This will show you how to pick the perfect person every time. To make it even easier, a simple checklist is included in this module as well.

How To Get Clients To Agree To Do The Testimonial
Once you have your client(s) selected, you have to get them to agree to do it. How you approach them sets the stage for whether or not you will get a good, high-converting testimonial video. There is also a script included that you can just read to your customers to get them to say "YES" to doing the testimonial.

How To Set & Schedule The Testimonial
One of the tricky parts of any testimonial video is coordinating times so that the client can be interviewed. This section shares the simplest and fastest ways to do it.

What Questions To Ask
Once you have the perfect client and they've agreed to do the testimonial, you have to know what to ask them. This section shares the questions and the process so you can get your clients deepest, most emotional responses, which leads to the story they really want to share. A downloadable and printable list of specific questions is also included for you in this module.

Preparing For The Testimonial Interview
This is a crucial step that most business owners skip. Without knowing how to prepare yourself AND your client, there will be a lot that is missed in the video. Here you'll see how to get you and your client ready to do a deep dive into their story. You can also use the guide that's included in this module to make the process even easier.

Equipment And Software You Need
To get a great testimonial video, you need the right equipment. But that doesn't mean spending thousands of dollars on a high-end camera or having all sorts of fancy equipment. This will show you the bare minimum you need but also a bit of the fancy equipment if you want to go that route as well. The guide included in this module will also show you every piece of equipment you can use and where to find it.

Where To Record
Where you record your testimonial video plays a MASSIVE role in the success of the video. To get a video that is emotionally engaging and keeps the viewer's attention, the recording location is crucial. This section will cover the best place to record the video and why the usual places most people choose will hurt the effectiveness of the video.

Pre-Interview Process
This is different than the section on "how to prepare for the testimonial." Here you'll learn how to relax your client, what to say to them to make them feel at ease, and the steps you have to go through to make sure you are ready for the interview. You can even download or print out the follow-along guide so that you can use it during the pre-interview process with your clients or customers.

What To Do During The Actual Interview
This is where the rubber meets the road. You'll see exactly how to perform the interview, what to do if you don't know what to ask, how to dig for more information, and how to do it all without any awkward or strange feelings.

What To Do After The Interview
This is the step that gets skipped the most by business owners. It is also the step that, if skipped or done wrong, can actually lead to your client not working with you for much longer. You'll discover what has to be done after the interview so that the client is happy and proud of the testimonial they gave.
Plus, Get The Testimonial Video Blueprint Right Now And You'll Get These Three Bonuses...
Bonus #1 - Behind The Scenes Testimonial Interview Set Up
Here you'll see an actual behind-the-scenes set up of a virtual interview and how the whole process was handled. You'll see the adjustments that were made, what was said, how the client was made to feel comfortable, and how to prep them to answer the questions correctly.

Bonus #2 - How To Use AI And ChatGPT To Get Better Testimonial Videos And Promote Them
This bonus alone is worth the price of the program. In this bonus, you will be shown how to use the free artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to create better testimonial videos. You'll not only learn how to use it, but you'll also receive the exact instructions (prompts) that you can copy and paste into ChatGPT. These prompts will help you come up with different questions that you never thought of asking and can be edited so you can come up with endless different possibilities.
Not only that, you'll also receive prompts that will let ChatGPT create social media posts and emails for you that are specifically designed to get people to watch the testimonial videos and take action.
Lastly, you'll be shown a simple strategy that can turn your testimonial videos into written summaries or descriptions. This content can be placed on websites or landing pages for people to read, so they know what the videos are about.
This bonus alone will save you HOURS of time!!!

Bonus #3 - How to Record And Capture Video B Roll (Extra Video Footage) The Right Way For Testimonials
Discover how to record and capture extra video footage (b-roll) for your testimonial videos the right way. Knowing how to get b-roll (footage that overlays the original video) is very important and can improve so many aspects of a testimonial video. But knowing what type of b-roll footage to get is the key. And there are differences in the type of b-roll you want for offline businesses and online businesses. This will explain it all, and it will include a checklist for you to follow so that you have all the correct footage you need.

Everything In The Testimonial Blueprint Has Been Designed Specifically To...
✅ Save You Time
If you were to go out on your own, or even have an employee or contractor try and figure out how to collect a testimonial video the right way (like this blueprint shows you), it would take months of trial and error. Even then, you'd only have scratched the surface.
It took me 10+ years and well over 5,000+ testimonial videos to figure it all out.
But with this simple blueprint, you have a quick system with EVERYTHING you need to capture AMAZING testimonial videos every time.
✅ Get Higher-Quality Leads
If you're reading this, then you know that getting leads is an important part of your business.
But the type of leads you get is most important.
Sure, it's great to get a truckload of leads. But if those leads are not the right fit or are not qualified, then it's just costing you time and money.
On the other hand, if you have highly targeted leads, then selling becomes much easier, revenue growth increases, and the clients/customers you end up with are the ones you want in your business.
And when you have testimonial videos that are done the right way, they get you those types of leads.
✅ Have Your Videos Connect Deeply With Your Audience
In a world that continues to become more technologically advanced, people are feeling less connected with each other. But the more you can develop an emotional connection with people, the more they will trust you, and look to you as the solution to their problems.
And the easy way to build that bridge and get your audience to connect with you on a deep, emotional level is to simply capture the stories of REAL people (testimonial videos).
But the key is getting those people to open up and share their TRUE feelings and emotions. Which is NOT easy to do. In fact, I'd say it's the hardest part of capturing testimonial videos.
Since it's so difficult, most testimonial videos end up emotionless, cold, and look just like all the others out there.
And it's for this reason that most video testimonials never have the impact that you want them to have.
But the Testimonial Video Blueprint shows you how to pull out the emotions for every testimonial video you collect.
We're Talking Emotions Kind Of Like This...
Once You Go Through The Testimonial Blueprint...
You will know everything you need to get video testimonials that will actually do something for your business. In fact, you'll know more than 99% of anyone else when it comes to collecting these types of videos.
You'll never have to wonder about who to choose, what questions to ask, or how to pull out the stories that connect and get better leads and conversions.
All of it is included in this blueprint.

Check Out What A Few Of Clients Have To Say...
And A Few More Words...

Here's Why This Is A No Brainer
How many times have you created an ad, a landing page, or any marketing content only to have to change it up a couple weeks later because it doesn't work anymore?
That's because there are very few marketing pieces that you can create that stand the test of time.
One of the rare exceptions are well-done testimonial videos.
It's not uncommon to use the same testimonial video ten years from now and have it still work just as well.
Just one testimonial video captured the right way could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of dollars, over the life of your business.
So knowing how to capture the videos the right way and having a system that is easy to implement will help you crank out testimonial after testimonial.
And they will add a SIGNIFICANT amount of leads, clients/customers, and money to your business.
Once you know how to collect these videos the right way and post them, you will have an army of salespeople working for you 24/7 for as long as you use the videos.
Get Instant Access To The Testimonial Blueprint And The Training Bonuses Now!
As you can see above, you're looking at a total value of $3,161. But that's nowhere near what I'm charging for the Testimonial Video Blueprint. In fact, it won't even cost you $1,000. Which I could easily do.
Nope, the actual cost of this system is only $497.
The price for this is an absolute steal.
You have the complete system I personally follow to get testimonial videos that have generated thousands of high-quality leads, boosted conversions to well over 90%, and led to millions of dollars in revenue for my clients.
And the entire system is right here for you for a tiny fraction of what I should be charging for it.
So if you want to collect testimonial videos that filter out the leads you don't want, boost conversions, and connect with your audience unlike other social proof videos...
Then enter your info below right now to get access to the Testimonial Video Blueprint.

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that you’ll be satisfied with this system that I’m giving you a no-questions-asked, 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied, let me know and I’ll refund you the whole amount.
Does this work if I have my clients submit testimonial videos?
This program was designed to show you how get the BEST testimonial videos possible. The best way to do that is to have your clients/customers interviewed. So the program is built around how to interview clients and customers. If you are asking clients to send you a testimonial videos or are using a software to collect them, this program won’t be much help.
What if I don't want to interview clients for testimonial videos?
That’s no problem at all. You can simply hand this program off to an employee or someone else, and it will train them on how to do it so you don’t have to.
Does this program help with the questions or when I get stuck and don't know what to ask?
Absolutely. In fact, there is one entire training on this. It includes questions for you to follow, how to adjust them, and how to handle moments where you know you have to ask for more information from your client but are not sure what to ask.
Will it show me how to get clients who are nervous about doing the testimonial video?
Yes. There are trainings that explains how to find the perfect clients and what to say to get them to agree to be on camera.
My clients are always nervous about being on camera. Will this show me how to help them with that?
Definitely. One of the biggest challenges is getting a customer or client to relax and feel comfortable on camera. This program will show you how to do it, and what to say to help alleviate the nerves they have.