Don't Want To Pay Ridiculous Prices To Have Someone Collect And Create Amazing Testimonial Videos For You? Then Check This Out
If you've ever wanted to have some professional video work done or have had it done in the past then you know one thing is true.
And that is... it's going to be an investment.
Even for something like testimonial videos that you want someone else to do for you you'll have to pay a decent amount of money.
And that's simply because of the amount of time it takes to do all the work and do it right.
For example, here are just a few of the steps that take place when doing testimonial videos for you.
- Client Management/ Communication
- Scheduling
- Tech Setup/Support
- Creating Outline/Scripts
- Interview Preparation
- Recording The Interview
- Interview Follow up
- Reviewing The Interview
- Graphics/ Templates Creation
- Initial Editing And Clean Up
- Editing Fine Tuning
- Video Color Corrections
- Audio Corrections Adjustments
- Formatting Adjustments
- Video Processing/Rendering
- Video Optimization/ Compression
- Revision(s) Wanted By Client
- Possible Coaching/ How To Use Videos
- Additional Options/ Videos
- Etc.
Now take those and multiply that by multiple testimonial videos.
It's HOURS AND HOURS of work.
And that's why GOOD video work costs what it does.
Even some of the custom work I do is over 5 figures.
But We're Talking About Testimonial Videos, Does It Really Have To Be An Investment?
Well, let's look at it this way.
How much is your time worth? How much time would it take you to do even half of what's on that list above?
It would probably be quite a bit of time... right?
Time that you could spend doing things that are much more valuable.
So normally, if you want GREAT testimonial videos and you want someone to do it for you, you'll have to invest in them.
All That Being Said There Is Finally A Cost Effective
Way To Do It
The majority of the work that I do for this testimonial business is custom work for clients. So each piece is tailored to what they want and what is right for their business.
Since it's custom work it takes time. And of course that means that the costs tend to be higher for that.
But after years of tinkering, adjusting, and tweaking everything...
There is finally a way to create high-quality testimonial videos without breaking the bank.
It's called...
I know, great name (insert sarcasm) lol.
But it's exactly what it says. A hybrid of the normal testimonial video service.
I'm able to leverage new software that "SIGNIFICANTLY" reduces the amount of time needed to create high-quality testimonial videos.
And that means those benefits get passed down to you with lower prices.
Now Here's The Cool Part...
There is no difference in the quality of the testimonial videos and the process is less "nerve-racking" for your clients.
And less nerves means better stories and testimonial videos.
Plus, for you everything else stays the same.
There's no work required on your end other than connecting me with your clients and answering a few questions to dial in your testimonial vids.
So not only is the cost less, the quality is the same, the clients are less nervous, and there's really no work for you to do.
That's pretty sweet... right?
So What's The Catch?
There is no catch... seriously.
For years the biggest challenge for a lot of businesses to get high-quality done-for-you testimonial videos has always been the cost.
And for years I've been trying to figure out ways to keep prices manageable. But since everything is so time-intensive it's been hard to do that.
But now, I figured out a different system and invested in software that has created a way to knock off a bunch of time for this process.
And since it won't take as long...
Those cost savings are being passed along to you.
It's as simple as that, there's no catch.
So How Does This Hybrid Service Work?
For you it's exactly the same as if you were to do the custom work with me.
- You Connect Me With Your Clients
- Send Some Business Info And Your Logo
- Answer A Few Questions
That's pretty much it.
Where it's different is on the back-end for us and for your clients.
I now have custom software that allows for integrated asynchronous video.
That's a fancy way of saying it puts the power of the interview and video in your clients hands.
So your clients are now able to do their interviews when they want (within the time frame we need them completed of course).
There's no more back and forth with scheduling, no more dealing with most tech issues, no more one-on-one setup help, no more skipping out on the interview, and most importantly...
No more "nerves" for your clients when doing their testimonial.
Plus they get to approve their testimonial on the spot as well. So that way they are happy with what they said for your testimonial.
It's really powerful and works VERY well.
What Do You Get With This Hybrid Service?
Normally with the custom service it's tailored to what your needs would be and most times it ends up being a bunch of videos.
But for the hybrid option everything is MUCH simpler.
You choose which option you want below and you get that.
There are additional options you can choose as well at the time of purchase or later on.
But it all starts with which option you choose below.
And here are those options...
Starter Option - 3 Individual Testimonial Videos
- 3 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9)
- 60 Seconds In Duration
- Subtitles Included
- Music Included
- Logo/ Branding Included
- Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
- $100- Software Setup Fee Is Waived (Limited Time Only)
Here's An Individual Testimonial Video Sample
Standard Option - 4 Individual Testimonial Videos
- 4 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9)
- 60 Seconds In Duration
- Subtitles Included
- Music Included
- Logo/ Branding Included
- Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
- $100- Software Setup Fee Is Waived (Limited Time Only)
Here's Another Individual Testimonial Video Sample
Premium Option - 5 Individual Testimonial Video & 1 Compilation Video
- 5 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9) - 60 Second Duration
- 1 Montage/Compilation Video (16x9) - 90 Second Duration
- Subtitles Included
- Music Included
- Logo/ Branding Included
- Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
- $100 Software Setup Fee Is Waived (Limited Time Only)
Here's Are Two Compilation Video Samples
There Are Also Additional Options If You Want More
Depending on the package you select you can also add on the options below if you'd like.
Extra Testimonial Video(s)
The extra individual testimonial videos are exactly that. You get to choose if you'd like more testimonial videos like the ones you order.
Social Media Testimonial Video(s)
This where we take a testimonial video and convert it into a video that is optimized for social media.
It is square in shape (1x1), and includes a banner that matches your branding, a headline, progress bar, and additional graphics if needed.
Here's an example of a social media testimonial video.
The Montage/Compilation Video
This is a compilation of parts from the individual testimonial videos that are edited so that it creates one single powerful sales and conversion video.
In fact, this is the most popular type of video and you can see examples of this type of video is you scroll down a little bit.
**This additional option is only available for the standard package (4 videos).
Testimonial Video Ad
This is where we take a segment from your testimonial video and turn it into a high-converting video ad.
It's different from the social media testimonial video in that it's specifically optimized for an ad and is focused on a specific element to get people to click on it.
Here's an example...
So What's This Going To Cost?
Well, as mentioned above it's going to cost less than if you were to use the custom service.
Also, normally prices aren't listed for the custom service because everything is "custom" and the prices vary because of the different needs for each client.
But for this, it's different.
And the price chart below breaks it all down for you. So choose the package you want.
**If you want any of the additional options you can select those on the checkout page.**
Video Walkthrough On How To Place Your Order
3 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9) - 60 Seconds In Duration
Subtitles Included
Music Included
Logo/ Branding Included
Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
$100- Software setup fee is waived
Additional options available at checkout
4 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9) - 60 Seconds In Duration
Subtitles Included
Music Included
Logo/ Branding Included
Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
$100- Software setup fee is waived
Additional options available at checkout
5 Individual Testimonial Videos (16x9) - 60 Seconds In Duration
1 Montage/Compilation Video (16x9) - 90 Seconds In Duration
Subtitles Included
Music Included
Logo/ Branding Included
Custom Call To Action At End Of The Video
$100- Software setup fee is waived
Additional options available at checkout
What Happens When I Purchase?
Within 24 hours of you signing up you will receive an email that includes step-by-step instructions of what is needed to get started.
How Do I Choose Additional Options For My Testimonials?
When you click the order button for the option you’d like you will be taken to a checkout page. On that page you can select the additional options you would like.
How Long Will It Take Before I Receive My Videos?
That’s always tough to say because part of the process is relying on your clients to do their testimonials in a timely fashion. That being said we generally aim for 30 days or less.
What Am I Responsible For?
You’re responsible for connecting us with your clients, supplying info that we need to complete the videos. Sometimes a client drags their feet to get their interview done so we may ask you to give the a nudge, but that’s about it.
What If I Want More Videos Than What's Listed In The Premium Package?
Simply order the premium package. Within 24 hours you will receive an intro email. Just reply to that email and let us know what you’re looking for and we will get everything squared away.
Is This A Recurring Program?
As of right now, no. As things progress we may shift this over to a recurring program. If you want this to be recurring as a monthly or quarterly option just let us know.
Should I Do This Or The Custom Service?
That’s up to you. If you want high-quality testimonial videos that cost less and are simple to use then go with the hybrid service. If you want testimonial videos that are specifically tailored to your business then the custom option will be better.