The Future Of Video Is Here
Are you looking for a way to get higher quality leads without forcing them to watch boring videos? Then watch the video below now.
Seriously, watch the video above. You can actually click what you want to watch in it.
Introducing Interactive Video
Your viewers can now choose what they want to watch within a video. They are not forced to watch something they don't want.
What Can An Interactive Video Do That A Regular Video Can Not?
An interactive video presents the viewer with options. They then click on the option that is best for them all while staying within the video. Regular videos force the viewer to watch only what is presented to them.
Creates High Quality Leads
Viewers choose where they want to go. By doing that they filter themselves into the exact lead category that fits them best.
Boosts Conversions
Boosts conversion rates by showing the right type of offer that the viewer actually ends up picking for themselves.
Keeps Viewers Engaged
By having the viewer participate in the video they stay longer. The longer they stay engaged the more they learn about your business.
Interactive Video Samples
Below are two very basic interactive videos that we did. The first one was for a shoe store that was looking to generate higher quality leads. The second video you'll see was created as an interactive testimonial video. It was designed to get prospects to watch more social proof before buying.
Feel free to watch and interact with the videos below.
*** The links to schedule a call in the shoe store video have been de-activated. They are there just to give you a simple of idea of how the interaction works within the video.
Lead Capture Interactive Video
This video is designed to get specific high quality leads for either shoes or orthotics.
Interactive Testimonial Video
The video above allows leads to choose what testimonials they want to see before buying.
What Type Of Interactive Videos Can Be Created?
We can create any type of interactive video for your business. But there are 3 types we specialize in.
Interactive Sales Video
The sales video is just like the one you see at the top of this page. It is designed to get viewers to pick what is right for them. By the end, they’ve filtered themselves to the exact offer that is right for them
Interactive Social Proof Video
The interactive social proof video incorporates your testimonial videos into one interactive montage video. Allowing the viewers to engage with your clients stories when they want to.
Interactive Lead Capture Video
The lead capture videos are designed specifically to filter out the bad leads and get you the highest quality leads possible. It’s all done by allowing the leads to choose what’s best for them.