What Is This Resource?

This is a set of scripts and a simple system that you can use to collect social proof and testimonials right now if your facility is closed or is about to be closed and you’re transitioning online.

This system ties in an accountability check-in process with your members and at the same time, it allows you to collect testimonial videos of how you are helping your members get through this time.

You may not think this is important to do, but right now is the…

MOST IMPORTANT time in our lifetime to collect social proof.

Sharing social proof of what you are doing for your members right now will help to reassure them and keep them calm.

Plus this system will help to keep them accountable which will keep your retention rates up.

Not only that, this may also reactivate old members and possibly get new ones.

And it’s important to remember to share the videos you’re collecting from your members. And share them more than you ever have on social media, emails, wherever you can think of.

The more positive social proof and testimonials you can get out there to your followers and your members the better it will be for you and for them.

Lastly, if you are overwhelmed right now with everything and you need help with implementing this, let me know by clicking here and messaging me on Facebook.

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Below Is The Text Version Of This Resource If You Don’t Want To Download It.


Right now things are a bit crazy. Gyms are shutting down, people are panicking and members are looking to cancel or pause their memberships.

This is NOT helping you either. Because that makes you worry and panic as well not just about the virus, but also your business.

So below is a simple process to help you retain clients, keep them calm, but also possibly help to re-activate some old clients and possibly get new clients during this time.

It all relies on social proof.

From this process, you will be able to get social proof of your members during the transition time and help keep them accountable and retain them. Possibly even reactivate old members and get new ones. 

***This is as important as it gets right now for what you’re doing so please make sure you’re implementing this.

Instructions – (scripts for this will be below as well)

What Is This? 

If you have or are going to close your facility because of the coronavirus you’re going to want to transition members to an online program. The process discussed here is a systemized check-in process that your members will be required to do during this time. It will allow you to hold them accountable but also be able to collect social proof that will help retain your members and possibly reactivate old members and/or get new members.  

What Needs To Be Done To Implement This?

There are 3 steps

Step 1  

Record a video explaining what you’re doing and what the check-in process is (the video script below explains it).

The check-ins will be done in two ways (depending on how you decide to stay in touch with your members).  By text/ private message and in video. And you will be collecting the check-in videos to use in marketing

You will need permission from your members on this but you can get that right up front when they transition.

Step 2 

You and/or your trainers will reach out to members to get the process started. (Initial text/message scripts below)

You will require your members to check in daily.  In fact, your members should text/message you/your trainers with their check-in. Or it can be posted on whatever platform you are running your online programs from (FB group, etc).  

**Every 2nd or 3rd day there has to be a video check-in from your members. With the video check-in, they will be answering two important questions.

a) What’s the training been like for you and how are you enjoying it?

b) How are you feeling and how is this helping you get through some of the craziness of what’s going on right now?

***Important note – You must be able to download or save these videos. So keep that in mind when asking for the check-ins

Step 3 – 

Share and promote the messages on all of your platforms. And share it consistently. 

Don’t be afraid to run ads to these either. Most people will be cutting back their ad spend. 

This is the time to not do that.

The whole idea is to get your members to not just be accountable but for them to share how much this is helping them get through what is going on.

By following this it will help to retain your members, but also show how much your program is helping them during this time. On top of that, it may help you reactivate old clients, and possibly bring in more.


The scripts below are very dependent on how you are operating and running your training program online.  These scripts have been designed for mostly a text message or private message capacity. During this time the personal touch is going to be extremely important. If you or your trainers are not able to individually message your members because there are just too many of them you can alter/change the scripts to fit your needs. Either way, these should be helpful in keeping your members on board and accountable.

Scripts For You To Use

Intro Video Script To Explain What You Are Doing

Hey, it’s (insert your name here). I just wanted to thank you for transitioning with us to the online program. I know things are a little crazy right now but we’re here to help you get through this and continue to work towards your goals and stay in good shape. 

Within this program, you will be  [Insert what your program is like and how it operates]. 

There is one other piece to this that is important so we can make sure you are working towards your goals and that is we will be implementing a check-in system. It’s important for us to make sure we are keeping you accountable. So throughout the week we will be asking you to do a daily check-in and letting us know how you’re doing 

We need this consistent feedback so we can make sure we help you get the most out of this. Now, these check-ins are simple. Most days they will either just be a message or text check-in to us.  But every few days we will ask you to provide a video check-in that tells us how the training is going, and how it’s been helpful for you during this time.  

One important thing to note on this and that is, right now people are a bit nervous with everything going on. So the best thing that can be done is to stay calm. 

And we realized by seeing others staying calm and taking care of themselves is going to be really helpful. So we are going to (with your permission of course) share some of your video check-ins so that it helps others during this time. But that’s it. So I want to thank you again and I’m looking forward to helping you achieve your goals during this time.

Message(s) For You Or Your Trainers To Send Out Once Members Are On Board

I highly recommend texting or direct messaging. You want this to be as personal as possible.

Also, make sure whatever platform you use to do this, that you can download their videos so you can use them on other platforms 

Below are the simple texts/messages you can send to your members to get them started on the check-in testimonial process.

First Text/Message To Member To Get The Check-In Process Started: This should be a video message from you or your trainer.

Hey (insert members name), I’m really happy that I can help you during this time and keep you accountable until we can get things back to normal. One of the first things that I want to do is ask you a question. Can you just record a quick video response and let me know why you’re deciding to train online with me right now and what your biggest goal is for this? Thanks.

Second Text/Message To Get Testimonial Check-in Video: 

Hey (insert members name), I wanted to just send you a quick video again letting you know that you’re doing a great job. Can you do me a quick favor and record another quick video for me on what you’re liking about the training and the program so far and most importantly how this has been helpful for you right now during this crazy time? Thanks again.

Third Text/Message To Continue To Get People Doing The Check-ins

Hey (Insert member name), just following up to make sure you send me your video check-in on how the training is going and how it’s been helpful for you the past few days. Notice anything different?  How you feeling?

If there are any questions, just let me know.
