It’s incredible how powerful online reviews can be. What’s interesting is knowing how to get more out of them.
Normally, your reviews will be on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and places like that.
And the more positive reviews you have the better.
Sometimes we’ll screenshot a few of those reviews and slap em’ on our websites, social media, and other places.
But there is another way to leverage them so you can get A LOT more out of them.
And it’s something that not too many businesses are doing.
That is turning them into a video.
The best part is, it’s pretty simple to do and it doesn’t have to be all the pretty.
Of course, you can make it real fancy and flashy, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
When it comes to social proof, a lot of times the more “plain” it is the better.
It gives it a more “authentic” feel.
So what I did is put together a quick video to explain how it works and I added a sample at the end of it.
The important thing to know about the sample review video is that I kept it VERY basic. There’s not even enough time between reviews to read everything.
And that’s OK for this example..
Of course, you’re gonna want enough time for people to read your reviews but you’ll get the idea with this video.
So if you have a decent amount of online reviews, then this is something you should definitely look into.
If you want something like this but don’t want to do it yourself, then just hit me up here.