As you know, testimonials play a critical role in gaining trust and confidence from prospective clients.
Plus, they will highlight your client experiences to show the value of your product or service.
But when waiting to receive a testimonial video from a client, let’s just say you shouldn’t expect all that much.
No Expectations, No Disappointment
First, when you ask a client to send you a testimonial video, expect absolutely nothing.
You really don’t want to have high hopes that what you’ll get from them will be good.
In all probability, when you get it, it usually isn’t anywhere close to what their actual story is.
More often than not, the video ends up being some sort of awkward creation.
It’s awkward for the client to do, it’s awkward for you, and it’s awkward to watch.
And you want to avoid any amount of awkwardness as you can.
What makes it worse is you’ll feel an obligation to use the video (even if it sucks) because you want to make sure you don’t upset your client.
They took the time and effort to make it for you.
And they probably spent way more time than they should have. So that pressure for you to use it will be high.
But using it could do the exact opposite of what you were hoping for.
And that is…
Turn people away from your business.
That’s why it is ALWAYS better to have someone interview your client and get their story.
Yes, that’s harder to do.
Yes, there is more work involved.
But what you’ll get will be so much better!!!
So remember…
Just because it’s easier for you to ask a client to submit a testimonial…
It doesn’t mean that what you’ll get will be anything even close to good.
And if you want testimonial videos that are…
Will increase conversions…
And get you higher-quality leads…
Then reach out, and I’ll help you do just that.
Want Testimonial Videos That Increase Conversions?
Click Here To Access The Free Guide That Shows You How To Do It!