It's not that hard to repurpose a testimonial video or video case study. But what if you want to know how to repurpose a very short testimonial video, let's say
As you know, testimonials play a critical role in gaining trust and confidence from prospective clients.
Plus, they will highlight your client experiences to show the value of your product
In the previous post, I was talking about why you NEVER want to do a news reporter testimonial video. Well, today the script will be flipped. You'll see why and
In the world of testimonial videos, there is one type that should be avoided at all costs...
The news reporter testimonial.
This type of video involves standing next to your client
In the previous two automated weekly wins videos, you saw how to collect this type of social proof and how to automate the process for all the wins to show
In the previous post, you saw how to capture the easiest form of social proof. That is, weekly wins from your clients.
In this article, you'll see how to automate
Want to know what the easiest way is to collect social proof?
Well, it's not asking a client to write or record a testimonial for you.
It's not you interviewing your client.
Let's talk about using testimonial videos as reels on Instagram.
The first thing to know is that no one is using them, like you'll see below.
Normally, people will just
Ever watch that TV show Billions? I know quite a few business owners who really enjoyed that show. From my experience and what I read, the show is pretty accurate in how