OK, so if you run any sort of online ads on Facebook then there’s a good chance you know about the recent Apple iOS update that allows people to opt-out of being tracked.

Well, not tracking online activities is a good thing.

But for business owners that rely on ads and the stats that are provided by Facebook (and other platforms), this is not so great.

It means everything you used to do with ads is now, not really reliable.

If you want to know more about what’s going on you can click here.

But eventhough this sounds like a “bad” thing there is actually a ton of opportunity.

And a HUGE part of that opportunity is with testimonial videos.

Testimonial videos being used as ads can actually help you bypass all the craziness, and unreliability, that is out there.

And if you want to know how, the video above will explain it all.

As much as you may be used to running ads a certain way there’s a good way that will be changing.

But using testimonial videos to correct a lot of this will help quite a bit.

Oh, and one last note…

What is described in the video above is what I’ve recommended for my clients for quite some time now. Years actually.

And it’ll still work even with this ad shakeup.