Billions Spoof - What Happens When Axe Does His Own Testimonial Videos

Billions TV Show Testimonial Video Spoof

Ever watch that TV show Billions? I know quite a few business owners who really enjoyed that show. From my experience and what I read, the show is pretty accurate in how

Why Business Owners Don’t Collect Testimonial Videos Want to know why business owners don't collect testimonial videos? Actually, let's rephrase that... Why don't smaller business owners collect them? The big boys do, and they put in a huge effort to
what are cross sell testimonial videos?

What Are Cross-Sell Testimonial Videos? Want to know what cross-sell testimonial videos are? Well, they're testimonial videos, but they're different than your standard ones. Normally, you'll get a testimonial video from a client, and it'll
best converting testimonial video

What’s The Best converting Testimonial Video? When it comes to the best converting testimonial video, there are a few things we've gotta dive into. The first is... When we're talking about conversions here, we're talking about getting someone
Dedicated Testimonial Video Page

Should You Have A Dedicated Testimonial Video Page? Let's talk a bit about having a dedicated testimonial video page. Should you really have one or not? Well, let's just put it this way... In the video above, you'll see the explanation
four best testimonial video formats

The Four Best Testimonial Video Formats Let's talk a little bit about the four best testimonial video formats. I guess they could also be called video styles. When it comes to this whole testimonial video thing... Most of us
What type of testimonial video ads work best

What Testimonial Video Ads Work Best? What type of testimonial video ads work best? Well, it’s a good bet that if you’re already using testimonial videos as ads, then you’ve probably seen certain data points that