During this whole coronavirus pandemic there’s we’ve covered how to get testimonials the right way, how to collect “re-opening” testimonials but there’s one we haven’t covered yet.

And that is the reverse testimonial.

In the past there’s been some content on it. But right now if you’re planning on re-opening it is the best time I can ever think of to use the reverse testimonial. 

It’s so personal, and connects so well that it can have an immediate impact.

And if you’re at the stage of re-opening or are just opening up, the reverse testimonial can help to push people over the edge who aren’t sure if walking into the facility is a good thing or not.

Now I know you may be wondering…

What is a reverse testimonial?

Well, it’s pretty much what it sounds like.

And the video goes into in more detail. 

But know it’s the kind of video that doesn’t need to be collected or used much. It has much more power behind it because it’s so personal.

And when there is genuine emotions, and heart-felt messages in it, which is what a reverse testimonial delivers to the right people…

It makes a huge difference.

So make sure you build in the reverse testimonial to your re-opening plans.