Let’s talk a little bit about testimonial video structure.
Or the way your video is laid out.
The basics of putting together any testimonial video should be focused on telling your clients’ stories.
The way their story is told makes quite a difference in the impact the video can have.
Many times, the client doing the testimonial video can be all over the place.
That’s why it’s a good idea to have a skilled interviewer asking them questions.
The interviewer will guide them through the process and get the client to tell a good story.
But even then…
The client can still not tell their story well.
So that’s where video editing enters the picture.
This is where knowing how to craft a great story can help with the video testimonial structure.
If we’re looking at this from the 30,000-foot view, the testimonial should have a…
Beginning, middle, and end.
But there’s one other element you have to consider when putting this together.
That is selling.
A testimonial video is not just a storytelling video about results…
It MUST create an emotional connection that will draw in the right type of people, and move them to take an action.
AKA… selling.
So just following the beginning, middle, and end strategy might not be the right approach to structure your testimonial videos.
Sometimes, those parts have to be moved around
Now, hardcore copywriters will always tell you to start the story with some sort of pain or challenge that the client is dealing with.
And I generally don’t disagree.
But after doing thousands of videos and quite a bit of testing, that doesn’t always work.
I’ve found that many times, just starting the video with the clients’ results…
Can work just as well, if not better.
That’s because…
The results can act as a “hook” to draw people in.
That being said…
It all depends.
The video on this page will explain a few reasons why it depends, but if we take it a little bit deeper…
There are a few more things to know that will help you figure out what testimonial video structure will work best.
The first one is…
What is your plan for the video?
Is it to just use generically on your website?
Do you want to run it as an ad?
Or do you want to use it for everything?
Knowing how you want to use it will set the stage for the video.
Not just its structure.
The second thing to know is…
What platform do you want to focus on with your video?
That ties in with what your plan is, but knowing the platform is a big deal.
Do you want to use it on…
Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok?
Each one of those platforms has a different format, style, and audience.
For example, having a long-form testimonial video that focuses too much on a client’s struggle may not work well on TikTok.
The third thing to know is…
Your audience.
What type of attention span do they have?
What type of content do they respond to?
And where do they spend their time?
So as you can see, there’s quite a bit that goes into understanding what type of structure works best for your testimonial video.
But the more you know what your plan is, how you want to use your videos, and what your audience responds to…
The easier it will be to determine what structure works best.
Now, let’s say you’re not sure about any of these pieces…
It’s not going to hurt to follow the standard process of…
Stating the challenge, showing the result, and telling the viewer what to do.
That’s tried and true.
But if you really want to dial in the testimonial video structure…
Focus on the three elements mentioned above.
And then, put the video together, and test different versions of it to see what works best for you.
And if you need any help with this…
Or don’t even want to deal with it…
Set up a call with me by clicking the button below, and I can handle the whole process for you.
And if you need any help with this, or don’t even want to deal with it…
Set up a call with me by clicking the button below, and I can handle the whole process for you.